Individuals with some health problems possess immense potential and remarkable resilience. However, societal barriers often restrict them from living their lives to the fullest. It’s […]
Intellectual and developmental disabilities
The expression “mental retardation and developmental disabilities” was adopted in June 2006 after members of the American Association for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD).
What does a person with reduced mobility (PRM) mean?
A person with reduced mobility (PRM) is a person whose mobility is limited for the purpose of using a vehicle due to any physical (sensory or motor
How to communicate with a visually impaired person
On November 13, people all over the world remember about people with visual impairments and tell the rules of communication with them.
People with hearing loss
The term “hearing impaired” is often used to describe people with hearing loss, from mild to profound, i.e. deaf and hard of hearing people.